Monday, January 30, 2012

Postcard 201: Postmarked Sep. 17th, 1971, Athens, GA.


Duke Power's Keowee-Yaxaway Visitor's Center, located on
South Caroline 130 and 183 north of Clemson, provides an
enlightening and entertaining experience in "The Story of
Energy." The Center offers a panoramic view of Lake Keowee,
the Keowee Dam, the Oconee Nuclear Station, picnic facilities,
and remarkable displays depicting energy yesterday and today.

Dear Fred,
Dad & I went to charlotte
and stopped at this reception
center, a new one. Russell
stillwanted to stay home
and we were gone just one
night. Still has one friend he want
to see before he goes away to college.
Athens shows signs of student
activity already. Sor. & Frat
are getting ready for rush week.
Russell got pre-registered thru
Edna (Span., philos. & biology).
We're looking forward
to your visit
Let us hear from you
Love, Mother

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Postcard 200: Unstamped, with Directions Instead of Address

M. U. T.

To greet you and
wish you a very
bright Birthday.

Fish Farm
W. from Long Run Academy
S. by E. from Decaturville &
Qualey to Qualey &
Fishtown extension
passenger line--
F. F.-engineer S.H.F-conductor

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Postcard 199: Postmarked Oct. 9th, 1925, Deming, NM.

One of the Roads that Leads to Deming

Deming New Mexico
Oct 9--1925
Dear Mother
We are as far
as Deming NM. Edward got
sick so we are laid up here
for 2 da I think we can
go on tomorrow we have
278 mi to Tuscon
2 days drive yet It was
cold coming through
the Mt we were in one rain
storm and 11/2 da misty
rain coming through
Kansas all the rest of the
way was sunshine Will
write when I get to the end

Postcard 198: Postmarked Aug. 29th, 1911, Belpre, OH.

Where Postum, Grape-Nuts and Post Toasties Advertising is Prepared

Perhaps the most unique and handsomely furnished General Office Building in the World. All details pertaining to the annual
expenditure of over One Million Dollars for Advertising the Postum Company's products are handled in this building.

Dear Cousin:
Aug 28 1911
Is Carl still at home
suppose he will stop
before he goes back.
I am getting rich
working at the factory
suppose you are glad
school will soon commence.
ans soon

Postcard 197: Unposted Early-20th Century Real Photo Postcard


Ruins of Fort Bascom
near Tucamcari N. Mex.
Nowell Photo.

Postcard 196: Unposted Real Photo Postcard, Addressed to West Liberty, IA

Cowgirls at the Triangle Ranch Rodeo (Doubleday)

Here are some
of the beauties of ariz

Postcard 195: Postmarked Oct. 29th, 1909, Coal Run, OH


for thoughts,
so let it be,
mine are of
let yours be of

Friday, January 27, 2012

Postcard 194: Unposted, Dated Nov. 17th, 1909


We were glad to
hear you got a
certificate and
hope you will
be as successful
in getting a

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Postcard 193: Postmarked Jan. 27th, 1913, Little Hocking, OH.

I am Anxious to See You

Hello Kid--
What's become of
you, anyway? Seems
like I've not seen
you for 75 yrs. Say
I want to know how
you spell your
name, Janness
or Jannesse? I
see it both ways
and want to know your way
(You know who)

Postcard 192: Postmarked July 24th, 1967, Wright Patterson A.F. Base, OH.

Bell P-63A "Kingcobra" Fighter

21 July

Engline: One Allison V-1710 of 1325 hp.
Top speed: 408 mph. Span: 38 ft. 4 in.
Range: 450 mi. Length: 32 ft. 8 in.
Ceiling 43,000 ft. Height: 12 ft. 7 in.

We visited the museum today and
it was very interesting, Besides the
building, which is the museum,
there are a number of airplanes
parked outside including this one.
Others include a giant b-36 with
10 engines, A ME-109 Messerschmidt,
P-38 Lightning, F-86 Sabre Jet and
many others. Also saw the 30,000
pound "Blockbuster" bomb used in
World War II and an atom bomb.
I found you a C-47 "Puff the Magic
Dragon plan kit which I'll bring with me
Love, Wink

Postcard 191: Unposted, Mid 20th Century



C. S. Stuttgart. Nachbildung verboten.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Postcard 190: Postmarked Feb. 27th, 1911, Kingfisher, OK.

Public School, Kingfisher, Okla.

Dear Coz, I am fine and
dandy, hope you are the
same. I have seen that
place back there and you
haven't out here so you
will have to come out.
I can't get my
brave to come back with
me to O. I am not going to
school lately. You come
out and we will lasoe
a brave. tell all Hello Myrtle
Bertha will write in a few days.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Postcard 189: Postmarked Feb. 24th, 1930, West Palm Beach, FL

Royal Palm Avenue, James Estate, Coconut Grove, Florida

Tell all we will
write them when we
het into camp. We are
now at Palm Beach.
The Ocean is beautiful
so is everything
around here everyone
is fine, have our driver
with us on this trip
Love, Mother

Postcard 188: Unposted, Early 20th Century

Boys Town's Dowd Memorial Chapel, Boys Town, Nebraska

Father Flanagan's Boy's Home is located 10 miles west
of Omaha on the Lincoln Highway. The home was estab-
lished 24 years ago as a haven for homeless boys. Boys
Town is supported entirely by voluntary contributions.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Postcard 187: Postmarked Oct. 17th, 1911, Little Hocking, OH.

Best Wishes

Printed in Germany

Serie 5500

Postcard 186: Postmarked Feb. 24th, 1912, Nebo, IL

This is the First Opportunity

For postage, in the United Kingdom only,
this space may be used for correspondence.

Dear Ada: I
didn't get any
letter from you
are you sure
you mailed it?
I am glad Ethel
is getting along
so well. When
are you coming
home. Over

Joslyn is all OK,
gets into the cream
jar every day O she
is a fright.
Write me another
letter and put Personal
on it may be I'll
get it. Bea T.

Postcard 185: Postmarked Nov. 6th, 1911, Sewickley, PA.

It's a Pleasure to Live Here in Pittsburg, PA

Hello Janess
I am still here
will be here till
the 13th will go to
Akron from here to
see my brother
I received picture O.K.
it is all right I am
taking lots of them
but will not get them
finished till I get home
then I will send you
some Lovingly Greta

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Postmarked 184: Postmarked Dec 13th, 1909, Coal Run, OH.


Peace be thy
portion no more
to depart!
Bright be life's
friend of my

Postcard 183: Postmarked Jan. 22nd, 1912, Coal Run, OH.

Doing Him a Good Turn

This space may be used for communication

Postcard 182: Postmarked Feb. 5th, 1912, Vincent, OH.

Pussycat, Pussycat, Can't Catch Me

Hello Nessie!
How are you?
I am pretty sick
to-day. I would
like to see you.
From Harley Noland,
Vincent O.

Postcard 181: Postmarked Feb. 5th, 1912, Vincent, OH.

Curing the Corns

Hello Nessie!
How are you?
I am just fine &
dandy. What are you
doing these fine days.
I must close ans soon
Linnie Vincent

Postcard 180: Postmarked September 20th, 1964, Little Current, Ontario

Our Room Till Sat. AM

Wagon Wheel Motel
Manitoulin's finest and largest on Highway 68,
in Little Current, Phone 215, Manitoulin Island,
Ontario. 18 Modern units, free T.V. Open all year.

Dear Jim, Saw Daddy
yesterday--they came
in for supplies. They
decided to pick us up
here so I'm at the end
of the driving. That
Rambler sure is nice.
Everything's O.K.
Blaine & Mommy

Friday, January 20, 2012

Postcard 179: Postmarked April 14th, 1912, Nebo, Ill.

Duncan Park, Jacksonville, Ill.

Dear Ada, Glad
to get your card,
Hope you are
having a good
time and all
are feeling better.
Your friend,
Maude B.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Postcard 178: Unposted, Mid-20th Century

Sanford Stadium at Night, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.

This space for writing messages

Pub. by Northeast GA. Cigar and Candy Co., Athens, GA.

Postcard 177: Unposted Early 20th Century Trade Card

The Universal Rubber Heel

Geo. A. Schroth
Maker and repairer on
natural, hard to fit,
or deformed feet
Camp & Girod

"Best on Earth"
Absolutely pure rubber

Dear Sir,
We are introducing a Pure Rubber heel on the market and
Geo. A. Schroth
700 Camp St. cor. Girod
is our distributor in your city. We ask you kindly call
at their place of business and present this card, which entitles
you to one free pair of the World's Best Rubber Heels on the
market FREE. If the heels please you tell your friends where
they can be purchased.

Present this card to the above concern and receive FREE
one pair of the Universal Rubber Heels with our compliments.
(The only cost to you will be your dealer's small fee for attaching.)
Yours truly,
The Consumers Rubber Co.
Cleveland, O.