Monday, February 28, 2011

Postcard 147: Postmarked July 3rd, 1942, Anniston, AL, Mailed without Stamp

Fort McClellan, Anninston, ALA.
Typical Regimental Training Area
Quartermaster Station - 44
Fort McClellan, 2 1/2 Miles northeast of An-
niston, Ala., one of the largest training areas
in U.S.A. Close to 45,000 acres is size, it
now houses and trains approximately 25,000
men. To date $29,000,000 has been expended
by the Federal Government on cantonments and
permanent construction.
Leiut. L. H. Borden
Station Hospital
Fort McClellan Ala
Dear "Doc"
There is quite a difference
in being a buck private and
then getting up in the world
when you get saluted instead
of being the saluter. This is
a very nice post and I can't
get over how lucky I was to
be stationed here. Wish you could
see the place. Give your better
half my regards and also
your youngest daughter.
L. H.

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